Setting a Higher Standard of Self Care with Athena Club

I’m a firm believer that taking care of your skin is more important than covering it up. With that philosophy, I have been committed to a daily routine that involves both morning and evening skincare steps.



After my feet hit the floor each morning and before I head off to my morning workout, I always grab an Athena Soft Wipe to refresh my face after a night of sleep. It helps to wake me up and leaves my skin infused with vitamins B3, B5 and E. Then before I start my nightly routine, I use another wipe to remove all traces of makeup, leaving behind multivitamins and antioxidants.



With an all-natural deordorant that smells like vanilla and peaches and an assortment of bath products that leave your skin feeling ultra-soft, Athena sets a higher standard for self-care.


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